vineri, 11 martie 2011

Dragoste la prima vedere - Nicholas Sparks


Jeremy Marsh era foarte sigur de cateva lucruri: nu va parasi niciodata New Yorkul, nu se va mai indragosti vreodata dupa mariajul esuat si nici nu va deveni parinte.
Acum Jeremy locuieste in micutul orasel Boone Creek din Carolina de Nord, este logodit cu Lexie Darnell, marea lui dragoste, si asteapta cu nerabdare sosirea pe lume a fiicei sale. Insa tocmai cand viata pare sa se astearna pe un fagas plin de fericire deplina, un e-mail misterios si tulburator declanseaza un lant de evenimente care va schimba cursul destinului tanarului cuplu.
Continuand povestea indragostitilor din Miracolul, romanul lui Sparks surprinde romantismul, dragostea si intamplarile neasteptate care exista intotdeauna in viata unor tineri casatoriti.
Cat de bine ii cunoastem cu adevarat pe cei pe care ii iubim? Cum putem sa facem fata inevitabilelor indoieli, temerilor legate de responsabilitatile unui parinte si obstacolelor care ni se ivesc in cale?
O poveste uimitoare despre dragostea dintre un barbat si o femeie si dintre un parinte si un copil, Dragoste la prima vedere vorbeste despre sfarsituri care aduc noi inceputuri, tragedii care duc la bucurii neasteptate si, mai mult decat orice, despre magia dragostei nepieritoare.

Katie Melua -If you were a sail boat

If you were a cowboy I would trail you,

If you were a piece of wood I'd nail you to the floor.

If you were a sail boat I would sail you to the shore.

If you were a river I would swim you,

If you were a house I would live in you all my days.
If you're a preacher I'd begin to change my ways.

Sometimes I believe in fate,

But the chances we create,

Always seem to ring more true.

You took a chance on loving me,
I took a chance on loving you.

If I was in jail I know you'd spring me

If I was a telephone you'd ring me all day long

If I was in pain I know you'd sing me soothing songs.

Sometimes I believe in fate,

But the chances we create,

Always seem to ring more true.

You took a chance on loving me,
I took a chance on loving you.

If I was hungry you would feed me

If I was in darkness you would lead me to the light

If I was a book I know you'd read me every night

If you were a cowboy I would trail you,

If you were a piece of wood I'd nail you to the floor.

If you were a sail boat I would sail you to the shore.

If you were a sail boat I would saïl you to the shore